N.V. Westerscheldetunnel About WST
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Standard T-Tag Frequent user discount
  • Cat. 1
    Width < 6 meter and height < 3 meter
    € 0,00 Standard € 0,00 T-Tag € 0,00 Frequent user discount
  • cat. 2
    Width > 6 meter and height < 3 meter
    € 0,00 Standard € 0,00 T-Tag € 0,00 Frequent user discount
  • cat. 3
    Width < 12 meter and height > 3 meter
    € 18,20 Standard € 11,00 T-Tag € 9,10 Frequent user discount
  • cat. 4
    Width > 12 meter and height > 3 meter
    € 25,00 Standard € 15,00 T-Tag € 12,50 Frequent user discount
  • cat. 5
    € 0,00 Standard € 0,00 T-Tag € 0,00 Frequent user discount

If you regularly pass the Westerscheldetunnel in category 3 or 4 (vehicle higher than three meters), you can use a t-tag: a compact device that you place against the windshield of the car and with which you can drive through the toll gates without stopping, 24 hours a day. With the t-tag you get a fixed discount on every passage and the toll due is automatically debited. 

Subscribers will get an extra discount if they pass through the Westerscheldetunnel more than 150 times a year with their t-tag. This Frequent User Discount is an additional 20% discount on the t-tag. The Frequent User Discount: 

  • applies as from the 151st passage
  • starts from zero each calendar year
  • is deducted for each single passage
  • applies to each separate t-tag
  • applies to class 3 and 4