Up-to-date traffic information via the App
Download our free WSTVerkeer App for push messages with up-to-date traffic information about the route of the Westerscheldetunnel and Sluiskiltunnel. You can set and adjust the days and times on which you wish to receive the messages. That way you will only get notifications at the times when it suits you. In addition to up-to-date traffic information the App also informs you about planned road works, amongst other things. So the App tells you whether the tunnel is accessible. The App also allows you to report any incidents you are encountering on our route.
Download the WSTVerkeer App via Google Play or in the App Store.
Do you prefer text messages or email?
If you prefer to be kept informed of traffic news updates by means of text messages or email, then subscribe to our text or email alert service. You can indicate whether you only want to get messages about long-term gridlocks (more than half an hour) or about all the closures. In addition, you can set the days and times that you wish to receive the messages and for which specific direction. This text and email service comes at no charge and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Via X you can also stay abreast of the current traffic situation. On our X-account @WSTVerkeer we give traffic information about the availability of the routes of the Westerscheldetunnel and the Sluiskiltunnel. And via the X-account @NVWST we will keep you informed about any actions, vacancies, rate adjustments and other news. So, with X it’s easy to stay informed.